The Yarn Store Summer

okay, so it has been a while, and all the usual excuses apply.  Busy, busy, busy!  We have been here and there this summer, and I have made a point of dragging DH and DD to every yarn store we could find, where ever we were!  While in Calgary, we drove out to Custom Woolen Mills near Carstairs.  If you plan on going, please follow the directions at the website – let’s just say that Google Maps lead us on a merry little back road way that was very scenic!  A gravel road around a prairie slough was a little more than I had anticipated – lol!  The Mill itself is amazing, if you like 100 year old machinery and a real down home, welcoming atmosphere.  We did a quick self tour of the working mill, made friends with the barn cats, chatted with some of the workers, watched a lady making socks on vintage sock knitting machines, and, oh yes, bought wool!  I found some lovely singles and sock weights, and a prize skein of wool with alpaca (the brown one) in the sale bin.


If you are planning a road trip, be sure to check out the guided tours offered on Fridays 🙂

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