And the winner is ……

for post # 150…….

” Dan

Just beautiful. You are amzaing with some of the work.”

I will be in touch by email to sort out the contest prize!  Congratulations – and thanks for all the comments everyone.  It has been a delight to find some new blogs to visit 🙂


May has been a rollercoaster of a month so far.  And while everyone needs a little excitement in their lives, I think this month has gone a little too far!

May began with my wonderful 4 days away in Victoria.  Could not have asked for a better start.  I came  home to a week of rehearsals with my 8 yo DD as she prepared for her ballet show.  So DH took her to rehearsal on Sunday evening, and to the dress rehearsal on Tuesday evening while I went with 10 yo DS to the orientation for the middle school he will attend this fall.  So far, so good… busy, but good.  Then the washing machine dies, and has to be replaced.  And as I am making lunch for the kids on Thursday there is a knock at the door.  What would you think if the police officer standing at your door asked “Is this the current (insert your surname) residence?”  Yes, it is.  (Insert DH’s first name – then surname) residence?”  Yes, it is.  “May I come in?”  And of course I am thinking that DH has been in an accident………..   “I am sorry to inform you that (DH’s brother’s name) has been found dead in his apartment”.     Okay, now things are not so good 😦  Once all the information has been collected, the officer exits, which leaves it to me to call DH and inform him of his brother’s passing.   He had a sad life, and a sad passing.

Thursday evening is DD’s first ballet show, and she does wonderfully well, despite having been quite upset earlier that day.  Altho this is a lousy pic, you can see what the drum majorette costume looks like 🙂  She performed again on Saturday afternoon, and had the honour of giving her ballet instructor a bouquet of flowers at the closing of the show.  So these are the high points 🙂

Last week was spent making a “reasonable effort” to find  BIL’s non-existant will, and cleaning out his apartment…… I will leave that to your imagination.  Think low points on that rollercoaster ride.  Whatever free time I had last week went to putting in the veggie garden, trying to get the yard into shape, and ignoring the condition of the house.  And then…… just because this is the way I react to stress, I have come down with a monster chest cold that has drained me of energy, just when I need to get the house and our lives back in order.  Ah well, enough whinging, this too shall pass.

 On the stitching side – I have finished stitching the Button Tree and will post a pic when I have sewn it up.  Last night I finished page 2 of the Ackworth Quaker Friendship book for a RR that I am in – Amanda made a great choice of fibers:

Only 10 more days in May, including today.  Let’s think positive and imagine all the good things that can happen for the rest of this month!!